
by PAP Labs



Navigate between now and 1880 and discover or rediscover places at different times.Be part of the trip and post your own photos so they can be visible to all other users.Discover the wealth of features of the application:* Start with a simple search around a specific location, refine the search by enlarging or reducing the scope of search and filter results by a date range.* Add a place of arrival to search around a path and discover anything that might interest you along the way.* Perform a place not according to research but according to interest, and discover all the places having a connection with your interests.* Use your GPS to find all images directly around you.Share your own photos with other users, and you discover new passions, discussing around common interests.Instinctive, Navilium will allow at any time to conduct your research, or publish new photos with ease.Navilium no longer expects you, start your adventure !!